Tag Archives: height

Man Heels!


Attention MEN!

Heels are not just for women anymore. So join the club. Being tall is a powerful thing. The average American Woman is 5’4″ and the Average American male is 5’9″. However, being “tall” puts you at a more powerful advantage the shorter folks. Here are the facts compliments of http://www.grumpychimp.com:

1. Tall People Earn More A recent study shows that taller men are less likely to be bachelors and are more likely to have children. In fact, men with children are 1.2 inches taller than childless men. The reason behind this? Women view tall men as healthier and more likely to protect and provide. A 2004 study revealed that every inch adds about $789 per year in earnings.

2. They Are Smarter Princeton economists published a 2006 study identifying why tall people make more money. The conclusion, they’re smarter than you. “As early as age 3 — before schooling has had a chance to play a role — and throughout childhood, taller children perform significantly better on cognitive tests,” “As adults, taller individuals are more likely to select into higher-paying occupations that require more advanced verbal and numerical skills and greater intelligence, for which they earn handsome rewards.” They also state that nutrition can play a role in both height and intelligence. Therefore, better nourished babies end up taller and smarter.

3. Tall People are More Attractive A study at the University of Gdansk in northern Poland concluded that the ideal height of an attractive woman was 5’9 and 6’2 for a man.

4. Tall People are Leaders Only a handful of presidents have been shorter than average. In fact, the last time it happened was in 1896 with William McKinley who stood 5 feet 7 inches tall. The tallest presidents have been Abraham Lincoln at 6’4, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, Thomas Jefferson, and Franklin Roosevelt. The average CEO of fortune 500 companies is just a smidge under 6′.

5. They are Better Athletes The average NBA player is about 6’7, NFL is over 6’1, MLB is over 6’1, NHL is 6’1 and tennis about 6’1.

6. Women Prefer Tall Men

The good news? Man heels are becoming the trend in certain parts of Europe and Australia.

So stand up straight and get your height up, rar….heels are no longer a woman thing.

Nevertheless, I’m sure there are those manly men who think heels are just for women, first of all, your wrong because only a truly manly man would be manly enough to stand tall in heels and secondly, if you can’t get over your man complex there are other alternatives like top secret heels!: heightincrease4

That is pretty cool! Any men that have purchased these, let me know what you think!

Its a really interesting concept and I’m not quite sold on how they do it without making the shoes look ridiculous and bulky, like you have huge fat feet or something. In a way, its kind of like the men’s version of Spanx, concealing something with new material innovation.

Although I can’t wear Spanx because I can stand pantyhose of any sort in general, I’m a fan of the progress its made in the name of undergarments, the company and its founder, Sara Blakely. Who knew her simple improvement to hosiery would turn into a $150 MM company? Get it girl!

There are millions of ideas of ways to innovate products, especially for the women out there, and anyone that sees the opportunity and goes for it, I’m a fan of. Props to Blakely and whoever invented that secret man heel shoe. Great job!

I’m inspired by these strides in products as well as the idea that now both men and women can enjoy the beauty of tall shoes!! So get your height on everyone! I’ve decided that I’m throwing a dance party and the requirement is hot party heels, this will apply to the men as well! Its a dance-off. I’ll be the judge.


Tall Short Girl


Much due credit to the inspiration of this post: Jim Ritterhouse of AZ billboard. (http://www.azbillboard.com/ and on twitter @azbillboard) Although I must say, unfortunately, he does not personally endorse man heels.